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To convert SIPolicy.p7b to XML format, follow the steps below:

  1. Open PowerShell as administrator.
  2. Enter the following command: ConvertFrom-CIPolicy -XMLFilePath C:\path\to\output.xml -SystemCertificateFilePath C:\path\to\SIPolicy.p7b
  3. This will create an XML file at the specified location.

To determine if SIPolicy.p7b contains Rule 3 (Audit Mode), do the following:

  1. Open the XML file created in the previous step using a text editor.
  2. Look for the <rule> tag with an id attribute of "3".
  3. Check the <enforcement> tag to see if the value is "Audit". If it is, then Rule 3 is in Audit Mode. If it is set to "Enforce", then Rule 3 is in Enforce Mode.

Alternatively, you can import the SIPolicy.p7b file into the Local Security Policy snap-in and navigate to the Windows Defender Application Control settings to check the status of Rule 3.