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The error "munmap_chunk: invalid pointer" in a C program that utilizes a function from a dynamically generated library created by Rust could be caused by a number of factors. Some possible reasons are:

  1. Memory allocation error: If the library function allocates memory dynamically and there is a bug in the allocation or deallocation code, it could result in an invalid pointer being passed to the munmap function, which then throws the error.

  2. Type mismatch: If the data types used by the C program and the Rust library function do not match, it could cause the program to pass an invalid pointer to the Rust function, which could result in the error.

  3. Stack or heap corruption: If the C program is modifying memory outside its allocated space, it could cause heap or stack corruption, which could alter the pointers passed to the Rust function and lead to the error.

  4. Incorrect calling convention: If the calling convention used by the Rust function does not match the one expected by the C program, it could result in invalid pointers being passed and causing the error.

To resolve the issue, you may need to inspect the code for memory allocation errors, type mismatches, stack or heap corruption, and calling convention issues. You may also need to use debugging tools like GDB to narrow down the issue and fix it.