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There are several ways to eliminate duplicate SQL results in a foreach loop, depending on the context and requirements of your application. Here are a few options:

  1. Use a DISTINCT query: Instead of selecting all columns in your SQL query, select only the unique columns by using the DISTINCT keyword. This will return only distinct rows from the table and avoid duplicates.

  2. Use the GROUP BY clause: If you need to group the results by a certain column, use the GROUP BY clause in your SQL query. This will group the results by the specified column and eliminate duplicates.

  3. Use PHP array functions: You can use PHP array functions like arrayunique() to remove duplicates from your result set. First, retrieve the results from the SQL query and store them in an array. Then, use arrayunique() to filter out any duplicates.

  4. Use a SQL UNION query: If you have two or more SQL queries that return similar results, you can use a UNION query to combine them and eliminate duplicates. The UNION operator selects distinct rows from all SELECT statements in the query.

  5. Use a SQL subquery: If you have a complex SQL query that returns duplicate results, you can use a subquery to remove duplicates. Create a subquery that selects only distinct values from the original query, and then select the other columns from the corresponding table using a JOIN clause.