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To automatically expand all rows when using react-table 7, you can use the useExpanded hook provided by the library. Here is the procedure:

  1. Install the latest version of react-table:
npm install react-table@7.7.0
  1. Import the useExpanded hook from the library in your component:
import { useTable, useExpanded } from 'react-table'
  1. Define your table data and columns as usual, and include the useExpanded hook in your table instance:
const tableInstance = useTable(
    data: myData,
    columns: myColumns,
  1. In your table component, render a button or icon that triggers the toggleAllRowsExpanded function provided by the useExpanded hook:
<button onClick={() => tableInstance.toggleAllRowsExpanded(true)}>
  Expand All Rows

This will expand all rows in your table when the button is clicked.