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To utilize AWS KMS for signing a PDF document, follow these steps:

  1. Create a KMS key: Navigate to the KMS console and choose "Create key". Configure the Key description, Alias, and Key administrators, and click "Create key".

  2. Enable Key Usage: From the KMS console, select the key that you have created and go to the "Key policy" tab. From there, select the "Enable key usage" option and choose "Digital signature" for the Key usage.

  3. Get the KMS key ID: Choose the key that you have created from the KMS console and copy the Key ID from the Key details section.

  4. Configure your application: To enable AWS KMS for the application, use the AWS SDK and specify the Key ID and the AWS region.

  5. Sign the PDF document: Use a library that supports AWS KMS, like PDFBox or iText, to sign the PDF document. Specify the KMS key and use the AWS SDK to generate a signature.

  6. Verify the signature: After signing the PDF document, verify the signature using a library that supports AWS KMS.

  7. Store the signature: Store the signature securely, along with the signed PDF document.

With these steps, you can utilize AWS KMS for signing a PDF document with the highest level of security.