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There are several ways to incorporate animation when the content on a page is altered:

  1. Fade-in/Fade-out: Use a smooth fade-in/out animation when new content appears or disappears on the page.

  2. Slide-in/Slide-out: Incorporate sliding animations to present new content, such as sliding from the right or left of the screen.

  3. Rotate/Flip: Use rotations or flipping animations to add a fun and visually interesting effect to content changes.

  4. Depth/3D: Create a 3D effect when new content appears by animating it to move forward in space towards the user.

  5. Morph: Morph one element into another to create a fun and visually appealing transition between content changes.

Overall, adding animations to content changes can make for a more engaging and visually pleasing experience for users.