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There could be several reasons for getting a blank display when using a pager in Jetpack Compose:

  1. The list of items being passed to the pager might be empty or null. Make sure that the list is not empty, and that the list items being passed are not null.

  2. The adapter used for the pager might not be properly set up. Make sure that the adapter is correctly set up, and that it is able to provide the correct number of pages to be displayed.

  3. The layout being used for each page in the pager might be incorrect, or might not be properly set up. Make sure that the layout being used is correct, and that it is properly set up to display the contents of each page.

  4. There might be issues with the data being passed to the pager. Make sure that the data being passed is correct, and that it is being properly parsed and displayed in the pager.

  5. There might be issues with the pager itself, such as incorrect settings or missing dependencies. Make sure that the pager is correctly set up, and that all necessary dependencies are included.