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There could be a few different reasons for this:

  1. The component containing the <router-outlet> may not be properly included in the application's routing configuration. Make sure that the component is declared as a route in the app module's routing configuration or in a separate routing module.

  2. The path for the route may not be correct. Double-check that the path for the route being navigated to matches the path that is defined in the routing configuration.

  3. The component being navigated to may not be correctly defined or imported. Make sure that the component being navigated to is properly defined and imported within the application.

  4. There may be an error in the console preventing the routing from functioning correctly. Check the console and debug any errors that may be preventing the routes from displaying in the <router-outlet>.

  5. The router may not have been properly initialized or configured. Make sure that the router is properly initialized and configured within the application.