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Unit testing can be conducted using customized higher order functions in the following ways:

  1. Define your customized higher order function and write test cases for it: First, define your customized higher order function, and then write test cases for it. The test cases should cover all possible input combinations and edge cases.

  2. Use the higher order functions in your code: Once the function and tests are created, use the higher order function in your code.

  3. Test your code with custom higher order functions: Run your tests, and analyze the results to verify if the code works as expected.

  4. Compare the results: Compare the results of the tests with expected values to ensure the customized higher order functions are working as expected.

  5. Refactor the code if required: If any issues arise, refactor your code and test again.

Overall, using customized higher order functions for unit testing can be beneficial to software development as it can help identify and rectify issues in code, while also providing a more personalized approach to testing.