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To enable GitHub Desktop to function with Linux repositories from WSL, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Install GitHub Desktop on your Windows machine.

  2. Install the Linux distribution of your choice on your Windows 10 machine using WSL.

  3. Open the Linux distribution in the terminal.

  4. Navigate to the directory where your Linux repository is located.

  5. In the terminal, type git config --global core.autocrlf true. This sets the core.autocrlf configuration setting to true, allowing GitHub Desktop to function with Linux repositories.

  6. Open GitHub Desktop on your Windows machine.

  7. In the toolbar, click File > Add Local Repository.

  8. Select the folder containing your Linux repository.

  9. GitHub Desktop will now display your Linux repository, and you can use GitHub Desktop to work with it as you would any other repository.

Note: If you encounter any issues with accessing Linux repositories, ensure that you have the latest version of GitHub Desktop and have configured your SSH key correctly.