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Power BI Embedded is a Microsoft Power BI service that enables embedding Power BI visuals and reports in other applications. To work with .NET 6, the following steps need to be followed:

  1. Create an Azure Power BI Embedded resource and register an Azure AD application.

  2. Add the "Power BI" package reference to the .NET 6 project.

  3. Use the methods from the Power BI API to implement the desired functionality, like embedding visuals or reports.

  4. Set up authentication and authorization for the Power BI Embedded service in the application.

  5. Deploy the .NET 6 application to an Azure web app, PaaS solution or on-premises server.

  6. Verify that the application is working as intended by testing the embedded visuals and reports.

Overall, Power BI Embedded can be integrated with .NET 6 as a service and an extension library for embedding Power BI visuals and insights in other applications.