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To install a package in the default environment with a project.toml dependency on your local machine, you can follow these steps:

  1. Create a new project with a project.toml file. You can use the Pkg module in Julia to create a new project:
using Pkg

Replace "path/to/project" with the path to the directory where you want to create the project.

  1. Add the package you want to install to the project dependencies in the project.toml file. For example, if you want to install the DataFrames package, add it to the [deps] section:
DataFrames = "0.22.5"
  1. Install the project dependencies using the Pkg module:

This will download and install all the packages listed in the project.toml file.

  1. Install the package you want to use in the default environment:
using Pkg

Replace "PackageName" with the name of the package you want to install.

  1. Import and use the package in your code:
using PackageName

# your code here

This should allow you to install and use the package with the specified version in the default environment, while also satisfying the project.toml dependencies for any other packages you may have installed.