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This error typically occurs when building an Android release build using Android Studio. It means that the release signing configuration is missing from the project or has been deleted.

To resolve this issue, follow these steps: 1. Open the project in Android Studio 2. Go to the "Build" menu and click on "Generate Signed Bundle/APK..." 3. In the "Generate Signed Bundle or APK" dialog, choose "APK" and click "Next" 4. In the "Keystore" section, click on "Create new..." and enter the required information to create a new keystore file 5. Fill in the required fields on the next screens to set up your signing configuration 6. Once you have completed setting up your signing configuration, click "Finish" 7. Build your project again and the error should be resolved.

If the error persists, try cleaning and rebuilding your project or checking that the file paths in the Gradle build files are correct.