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To decrypt data in multiple rows and columns using Oracle SQL, you can use the following steps:

  1. Create a function to decrypt the data using the DBMS_CRYPTO package. The function takes the encrypted value and decryption key as input parameters and returns the decrypted value.

  2. Use the SELECT statement to retrieve the encrypted data from the table.

  3. Use the DECODE function to call the decryption function and pass in the encrypted value and decryption key as input parameters.

  4. Use the result of the DECODE function in the SELECT statement to retrieve the decrypted data.

  5. Use the WHERE clause to filter the data based on specific conditions, if necessary.

Here is an example SQL query to decrypt data in multiple rows and columns:

  p_text IN VARCHAR2,
  p_key  IN VARCHAR2
  l_raw  RAW(2000);
  l_key  RAW(256);
  l_raw := utl_raw.cast_to_raw(p_text);
  l_key := utl_raw.cast_to_raw(p_key);
  RETURN utl_raw.cast_to_varchar2(dbms_crypto.decrypt(l_raw, 2, l_key));

SELECT id, decrypt_text(first_name, 'key') as first_name, decrypt_text(last_name, 'key') as last_name, decrypt_text(email, 'key') as email
FROM users
WHERE id = 1;

Note that in this example, the function decrypttext() takes the encrypted values in the firstname, last_name, and email columns and the decryption key 'key' as input parameters. The SELECT statement calls this function to retrieve the decrypted values for each column. The WHERE clause filters the data based on the id = 1 condition. You may adapt this to your own use case as necessary.