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There are several ways to manage the transfer of substantial data between DRF App and Celery worker:

  1. Use a shared database: You can use a shared database that is accessible to both DRF App and Celery worker. This allows for easy data transfer and eliminates the need for complex data transfer mechanisms.

  2. Use message queues: You can use message queues like RabbitMQ or Redis to facilitate data transfer between DRF App and Celery worker. This allows for asynchronous data transfer and provides better scalability.

  3. Use caching: You can use caching mechanisms like memcached or Redis to store intermediate data during data transfer. This helps to reduce the load on the database and speeds up the data transfer process.

  4. Use compression: You can compress the data before transferring it between DRF App and Celery worker. This helps to reduce the size of the data and makes data transfer faster.

  5. Use serialization: You can serialize the data before transferring it between DRF App and Celery worker. This helps to convert the data into a format that can be easily transferred and processed.

Overall, the best way to manage the transfer of substantial data between DRF App and Celery worker depends on the specific requirements of your application.