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Jetpack Compose's nested LazyColumn/LazyRow implementation allows you to create complex layouts by nesting multiple LazyColumns/LazyRows inside each other. This can be useful for creating hierarchical layouts, such as a list of categories with subcategories.

To use nested LazyColumns/LazyRows, you simply need to create a new instance of the LazyColumn or LazyRow component within another LazyColumn or LazyRow. For example, the following code creates a nested LazyColumn:

LazyColumn {
    items(categories) { category ->
         LazyColumn {
             items(category.subcategories) { subcategory ->

In this example, the outer LazyColumn displays a list of categories, and for each category, a nested LazyColumn displays a list of subcategories.

You can also create nested LazyRows in a similar way. By using these nested layouts, you can easily create complex and sophisticated layouts in Jetpack Compose.