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To create labels and conceal data in Excel for a shipment memo, follow these steps:

  1. Open a new Excel worksheet and create a table with the necessary headers for your shipment memo.

  2. Enter the shipment details, including the product name, quantity, and shipping address.

  3. To create a label, select the cell containing the data you want to label, then go to the "Data" tab on the Excel ribbon and select "Data Validation."

  4. In the "Data Validation" dialog box, choose "List" as the validation criteria and enter the label options in the "Source" field.

  5. To conceal data, select the cells containing the sensitive information and right-click to access the formatting options. Choose "Format Cells" and go to the "Number" tab.

  6. Select "Custom" from the category list and enter a custom format that hides the data. For example, you could use the format ";;;" to hide the data completely.

  7. Save the worksheet and print it out for inclusion in the shipment. The labels and concealed data will be visible on the printed copy but hidden in the digital version.