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The Angular Universal build may get stuck at "10% building modules 1/1 modules 0 active" due to several reasons such as:

  1. Large Application: If you have a large application, then the compilation and server rendering process may take a longer time to complete.

  2. Application Dependencies: If your application has a lot of dependencies, then it can result in slower build times.

  3. Server Configuration: If your server configuration is not optimized or too slow, then it can also cause the build process to get stuck.

  4. Network Issues: If there are any network issues or slow internet connection while building Angular Universal, it can cause errors and delays.

To resolve the issue, you can try:

  1. Check the console log for errors, and fix any issues that come up.

  2. Check your server configuration and make sure it's optimized.

  3. Try building your application with fewer dependencies.

  4. Check your network connectivity and try building again.