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The procedure to delete redundant code from a typescript-based Angular project's libs within an nx workspace can be done using the following steps:

  1. Identify the redundant code: First, identify the code that is no longer needed or redundant. You can use tools like Git diff or VS Code's code review features to identify the redundant code.

  2. Remove the redundant code: Once you have identified the code, remove it from your project's libs. This can be done by deleting the files or removing the code blocks.

  3. Run tests and build: After removing the redundant code, run your project's tests and build it to ensure that everything is still working correctly.

  4. Commit the changes: Once everything is working correctly, commit your changes to your Git repository.

  5. Update dependencies: If you have removed any dependencies, make sure to update your project's dependencies so that they are not included in your project's build.

  6. Repeat for all libs: Repeat the process for all your project's libs to ensure that no redundant code is present.

By following these steps, you can effectively remove redundant code from a typescript-based Angular project's libs within an nx workspace.