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You can define the Select Expression with a statement body separately as a lambda expression and then pass it to the .Select() method. Here's an example:

// define the Select Expression with a statement body as a lambda expression
Func<int, int> selectExpression = x => {
    int result = x * 2;
    Console.WriteLine($"Transforming value {x} to {result}");
    return result;

// use the Select Expression with .Select() method
List<int> numbers = new List<int> { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
var result = numbers.Select(selectExpression);

In this example, we define a lambda expression selectExpression that takes an integer input x, performs a multiplication operation on it, prints a message to the console, and then returns the result. We then pass this lambda expression as an argument to the .Select() method to transform a list of integers into a new sequence of values.