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There are several ways to determine if a git branch has been completely merged after performing squashing:

  1. Use the command "git branch --merged" to check which branches have been merged into the current branch.

  2. Use the command "git log --pretty=oneline" to see the commit history and check if all the commits from the branch you squashed are present in the main branch.

  3. Use the command "git diff <branch> <target_branch> --name-only" to compare the files in the branch you squashed to the target branch and see if all changes have been merged.

  4. Use the command "git branch --no-merged" to see which branches have not been merged yet and compare with the branch you squashed.

  5. Use the command "git log --merges" to see if any merge commits were created when the branch was merged, this might indicate if some commits have been left out during the squash merge.