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Unfortunately, if longitude and latitude values are missing, it is not possible to perform batch geocoding. Geocoding requires location data, which includes longitude and latitude values.

However, there are a few options you can consider:

  1. Utilize address cleaning tools: Some geocoding services offer address cleaning tools that can standardize and improve the accuracy of your address data. This can increase the likelihood of a successful geocode result when longitude and latitude values are missing.

  2. Use third-party data: Some data providers offer location information for various points of interest, such as restaurants, hotels, and hospitals. If you have an address or name of a business, you may be able to search for it in a third-party data source and obtain the associated longitude and latitude values.

  3. Manually research locations: If all else fails, you may need to manually research missing locations. This could involve searching for the location using online maps, contacting the location owner or manager, or physically visiting the location. This approach can be time-consuming but may be necessary for important or critical locations.