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The steps to create a square dimension plot are as follows:

  1. Determine the dimensions of the plot. Decide on the length and width of the plot that will make it perfect for your purpose.

  2. Measure the plot. Take a measuring tape, a roller, or any other measuring tool and use it to measure the length and width of the plot.

  3. Mark the plot using stakes. Use wooden stakes or any other type of stakes, and put them in each corner of the plot to mark the boundaries.

  4. Clear the plot for planting. Get rid of any roots, weeds, or stones from the plot’s surface that will prevent the growth of plants.

  5. Till the soil. Use a tiller or a spade to turn the soil in the plot, ensuring that it is light and loose.

  6. Level the soil. Use a rake to level the soil in the plot. Ensure the soil is evenly distributed across the plot and that all high spots have been flattened.

  7. Plant the seeds. Plant your desired crops or flowers in straight rows to ensure efficient use of space.

  8. Water the plot. Water the plot adequately and regularly to assist propitiate root formation for healthy growth.

Now you have a square dimension plot.