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To create a monitor in Datadog that includes multiple resources' metrics in one monitor, you can follow these steps:

  1. Create a group of resources that you want to monitor together. For example, you can create a group of EC2 instances or a group of containers.

  2. Choose the metrics that you want to monitor for this group of resources. You can choose metrics such as CPU utilization, memory usage, network traffic, etc.

  3. Create a metric query that pulls the metrics data for all the resources in the group.

  4. Create a monitor and set the query as the condition for the monitor. You can set the threshold for the condition, such as setting the CPU utilization above 80%.

  5. Save the monitor and add alerts for the monitor as needed.

With this setup, you can monitor multiple resources' metrics in one monitor and receive alerts whenever the threshold is breached. This approach can save you time and effort in monitoring multiple resources separately.