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Plotly traces can be depicted using facets by using the "facetcol" and "facetrow" parameters in the "subplot" function. Here's an example of how to create a facet plot for traces:

import as px

# Load data
data =

# Create facet plot
fig = px.scatter(data, x="total_bill", y="tip", color="sex",
                 facet_col="day", facet_row="time",
                 height=600, width=800)

# Update axes labels and title
fig.update_xaxes(title="Total Bill")
fig.update_layout(title="Tips by Time and Day")

# Show plot

In this example, the "scatter" trace is represented in a facet plot where the x-axis shows the "total_bill" values and the y-axis shows the "tip" values. The plot is also color-coded by the "sex" variable, and it's faceted by the "day" and "time" variables. The resulting plot shows a grid of scatter plots, where each plot represents a different combination of "day" and "time".