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The process for converting a common data type into an array format using Cloud Data Fusion Wrangler includes the following steps:

  1. Open the Cloud Data Fusion Wrangler interface and select the dataset you want to convert into an array format.

  2. Select the column containing the data you want to convert to an array format.

  3. To create an array of the column data, click on the "Split" option from the transform menu.

  4. In the "Split" dialogue box, enter the delimiter character separating the values. If the delimiter is not present, then select the "By Length" option and enter the length of each value.

  5. Choose the option to create a new column, and give the new column a name.

  6. Click on "Add Transformation" to add the new column with array data.

  7. Save the transformation and run the Data Pipeline.

  8. Check the output result to confirm that the array data was created successfully.