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To generate a custom HTML page using Powershell for the output of Gpresult /r, you can use the following steps:

  1. Run the gpresult /r command in Powershell to get the Group Policy results in text format.
  2. Use the ConvertTo-Html cmdlet to convert the text output into HTML format.
  3. Add any custom HTML code to the converted output as needed.
  4. Save the HTML file using the Out-File cmdlet.

Here is an example script that shows how to do this:

# Run gpresult /r and convert output to HTML
$gpresult = gpresult /r | ConvertTo-Html

# Add custom HTML code (e.g. page header, CSS styles) to output
$html = @"
<title>My Custom GPResult Page</title>
/* Add CSS styles here */

# Save output to HTML file
$html | Out-File -FilePath "C:\temp\gpresult.html"

This script will generate an HTML page with the Group Policy results in a table format, along with any custom HTML code added to the output. The HTML file will be saved to the C:\temp directory (you can change the directory and filename as needed).