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To effectively implement your first method and verify the outcome of each step, you can follow these steps:

  1. Define the method: Clearly define what the method will do and what inputs it requires. Make sure the method is well-documented so that you can easily understand and review it later.

  2. Set up a test environment: Create a simple input dataset that you can use to test your method. This should cover all possible scenarios that might occur while running the method.

  3. Implement the method: Write code that implements your method according to the defined requirements. Make sure to save the output generated at each step.

  4. Verify the outcome: Run the method on the test data and examine each step's output carefully. Verify that each output is correct, and if not, identify the source of the problem.

  5. Debug the code: If you find an issue in the output, go back to your code and try to identify the cause of the problem. Debug the code until the output is correct.

  6. Retest and document: Once you've resolved all the issues, re-run your method on the test data again to ensure that it's running correctly. Document the process and the output for future reference.

  7. Keep testing: Continue testing and refining your method until you're confident that it's working correctly. Make sure to test the method on a variety of different inputs to ensure that it is robust and can handle any scenario thrown at it.