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There could be several reasons why your manim scene is being transformed into a png instead of an mp4:

  1. Incorrect rendering settings: Make sure you have set the correct video format in the render settings of your manim code.

  2. Incorrect file name or extension: Make sure that you have saved your manim scene with the correct file name and extension (i.e., .mp4).

  3. The scene length is too short: If your scene is too short, manim will automatically convert it into a png instead of an mp4. Try increasing the length of your scene.

  4. Rendering errors: If there are any rendering errors in your code, manim may convert your scene into a png instead of an mp4. Check your code for any errors and fix them.

  5. Incorrect installation of manim: If manim is not installed correctly, it may not be able to render your scene correctly. Try reinstalling manim and see if this solves the problem.