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Without seeing the code and the specific failing test case, it is difficult to determine the exact issue in your code. However, some common issues with linked list node deletion problems may include:

  1. Not updating the pointers correctly: When deleting a node from a linked list, it is important to update the pointers of the previous and next nodes as well. Make sure your code updates these pointers correctly.

  2. Failing to account for the case where the node to delete is the head node: If the node to be deleted is the head node, you need to update the head node pointer to the next node.

  3. Failing to account for the case where the node to delete is the tail node: If the node to be deleted is the tail node, you need to update the tail node pointer to the previous node.

  4. Using incorrect comparisons: Make sure you are using the correct comparisons to check for the node to delete. For example, if you are comparing node values, make sure you are using the correct operator (e.g. == instead of =).

  5. Not considering edge cases: Consider if your code can handle cases where the linked list is empty, has only one node, or has multiple nodes with the same value.