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There are a few potential solutions to this issue, including:

  1. Check for conflicting CSS: Sometimes, CSS properties like "overflow: hidden" can interfere with scrolling. Check your stylesheets to ensure that there aren't any conflicting styles.

  2. Use alternative scroll methods: If scroll and scrollTo aren't working, try using alternative methods like requesting an animation frame or using the "scrollTop" property instead.

  3. Check for browser extensions: Some browser extensions can interfere with scrolling behavior. Try disabling any extensions you have installed and see if that resolves the issue.

  4. Update your browser: Ensure that you're using the latest version of your browser to ensure that any bugs or glitches have been addressed.

  5. Use a library or plugin: There are many third-party libraries and plugins available that can help with scrolling issues, such as jQuery ScrollTo or the Smooth Scroll plugin.

  6. Test on different devices: If the issue is only occurring on one device, it's possible that it's a hardware or software issue specific to that device. Test your site on different devices to see if the issue persists across platforms.