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Volume and partition are similar concepts, but there are differences between them:

  1. Definition: A partition is a logical section of the hard drive set aside for storing data. In contrast, a volume is a term used to describe a drive letter assigned to a physical partition or a logical partition.

  2. Size: Partitions can be of various sizes and can be created on a physical disk, while a volume is usually the entire size of the partition.

  3. Visibility: A partition can be hidden, while a volume is always visible and can be mounted or dismounted.

  4. Functionality: A partition can have different file systems and can be formatted with various allocation units, while a volume will always use the file system and allocation unit size of the partition it is associated with.

  5. Usage: Partitions are commonly used for system recovery and multiple operating systems. Volumes are used to store files and folders and have a drive letter assigned to them for easy access.

Overall, partitions are logical structures that divide a physical hard drive into separate sections, while volumes are drive letters assigned to those sections for file storage and organization.