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initial version

To initialize a specific version of React Native, you can use the following steps:

  1. Open the terminal on your computer.
  2. Navigate to the directory where you want to initialize your React Native project.
  3. Type the following command:

    react-native init [project-name] --version [version-number]

    Replace [project-name] with the name of your project and [version-number] with the specific version of React Native that you want to initialize. For example, to initialize version 0.63.4 of React Native, the command should be:

    react-native init myproject --version 0.63.4

  4. Once you enter the command, React Native will download and install the specified version, and your project will be initialized with the specified version of React Native.

Alternatively, you can also use the following command to initialize a specific version of React Native:

react-native@ [version-number] init [project-name]

Replace [version-number] with the specific version of React Native that you want to initialize, and [project-name] with the name of your project. For example, to initialize version 0.63.4 of React Native, the command should be:

react-native@0.63.4 init myproject

This method will also download and install the specified version of React Native and initialize your project with it.