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To call an external service (API) correctly in a reactive Quarkus application using Vertx and Mutiny, use the following steps:

  1. Obtain the Mutiny.Vertx instance:
Mutiny.Vertx vertx = Mutiny.Vertx.vertx();
  1. Create a WebClient instance using the Vertx instance:
WebClient webClient = WebClient.create(vertx);
  1. Define the HTTP request to the external service using the WebClient instance:
Uni<HttpResponse<Buffer>> response = webClient.get(8080, "", "/api/resource")
    .addQueryParam("param", "value")
  1. Extract the response from the Uni instance using the onItem method:
response.onItem().transform(resp -> parseResponse(resp.bodyAsString())).subscribe().with(result -> {
    // Process the response
  1. Parse the response using the appropriate method, such as JsonObject.mapFrom or Json.decodeValue.

  2. Use appropriate error handling techniques such as using .onFailure().retry().atMost(3) to retry the HTTP request a few times if it fails.

Example code:

public Uni<MyResponse> callExternalService() {
    Mutiny.Vertx vertx = Mutiny.Vertx.vertx();
    WebClient webClient = WebClient.create(vertx);

    Uni<HttpResponse<Buffer>> response = webClient.get(8080, "", "/api/resource")
        .addQueryParam("param", "value")

    return response.onItem().transform(resp -> parseResponse(resp.bodyAsString()))

private MyResponse parseResponse(String responseJson) {
    JsonObject responseObj = JsonObject.mapFrom(responseJson);
    // ...
    return myResponse;