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There could be several reasons why Pygame is failing to draw a line. Some possible causes include:

  1. Incorrect coordinates: If the coordinates of the line are incorrect, it will not be visible. Make sure that the coordinates for the start and end points of the line are correct.

  2. Incorrect color: Make sure that the line is being drawn with a visible color. If the color is too dark or too light, it may not be visible.

  3. Incorrect display settings: Make sure that the display settings for Pygame are correct. If the display is not set up correctly, the line may not be visible.

  4. Hardware issues: There may be hardware issues with the graphics card or display that are causing the line to not be visible.

  5. Code errors: Make sure that the code for drawing the line is correct. Check for syntax errors, logical errors, and other mistakes that could be causing the code to fail.