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There are several ways to transfer a Docker images directory to a remote server, but here is one common process:

  1. First, create a tar archive of the Docker images directory by running the following command in your local terminal:

    $ sudo docker save -o images.tar <image names>

    Replace <image names> with the names of the Docker images you want to transfer. This command will create a tar archive named images.tar in the current directory.

  2. Copy the images.tar file to the remote server using a secure copy protocol like SSH. For example, if you're using SSH:

    $ scp images.tar user@remotehost:/path/to/destination

    Replace user@remotehost with the remote server's username and IP address or hostname, and /path/to/destination with the directory on the remote server where you want to copy the tar archive.

  3. Once the images.tar file is on the remote server, log in to the server and load the Docker images directory by running the following command:

    $ sudo docker load -i images.tar

    This will load the Docker images into the local Docker registry on the remote server.

That's it! You have successfully transferred the Docker images directory to the remote server.