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You can use the LINQ GroupBy method to group the data by a particular column and then use aggregate functions (like Sum, Average, Count, etc.) to calculate the desired values for each group. Here's an example:

Assume we have a list of sales data that includes the salesperson, the month, and the sales amount:

List<SalesData> salesData = new List<SalesData>()
    new SalesData("John", "January", 1000),
    new SalesData("John", "February", 2000),
    new SalesData("Mary", "January", 1500),
    new SalesData("Mary", "February", 2500)

To retrieve the total sales amount for each salesperson, we can use GroupBy and Sum like this:

var salesByPerson = salesData
    .GroupBy(sd => sd.Salesperson)
    .Select(g => new
        Salesperson = g.Key,
        TotalSales = g.Sum(sd => sd.SalesAmount)

This will give us a new anonymous type that includes the Salesperson and TotalSales for each group:

Salesperson   TotalSales
-----------   ----------
John          3000
Mary          4000

You can add more aggregate functions as needed (e.g. Average, Count, Min, Max, etc.) and include multiple columns in the grouping if necessary.