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There could be a few reasons why your Animated GIF is not refreshing on the page. Here are some steps you can take to solve the issue:

  1. Clear your browser cache. Sometimes, a browser can be caching the old version of the page, and this can prevent it from displaying the updated content. To clear your cache, go to your browser's settings, find the option to clear browsing data, and select the cache option. Once you've cleared your cache, refresh the page and see if it displays the Animated GIF correctly.

  2. Check your code for errors. Sometimes, errors in your code can prevent the Animated GIF from displaying properly. Double-check your code to make sure there are no typos or syntax errors. You can also try running your code through an online validator to check for errors.

  3. Check that the file path is correct. Make sure that the file path for the Animated GIF is correct, and that the file itself is located in the specified directory. If the file path is incorrect, the Animated GIF will not display.

  4. Test in a different browser. If the above steps don't work, try testing your page in a different browser. If the Animated GIF displays correctly in a different browser, it's possible that there is an issue with your original browser.

  5. Contact your web hosting provider. If none of the above steps work, it's possible that there is an issue with your web hosting provider. Contact them to see if there are any known issues or if they can help you troubleshoot the issue.