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The process of combining React with Django API involves the following steps:

  1. Set up the Django backend: Create a new Django project, define the model and database schema, and create the RESTful API using django-rest-framework.

  2. Set up the React frontend: Create a new React app using a command-line tool such as Create React App, and install necessary dependencies.

  3. Connect the frontend and backend: Use an HTTP client library such as Axios or fetch to call the Django API from your React components.

  4. Build the UI components in React: Create UI components in React that interact with the API via HTTP requests and manage state using React’s local state management, Redux or MobX.

  5. Deploy the application: Once you have built the application, test it locally and deploy it to a production server. You can use tools like Docker, DigitalOcean, Heroku, or Amazon Web Services to host your Django/React application.

  6. Continuously improve the application: As with any web application, you will need to continue to test and improve your application over time. This can involve bug fixing, feature adding, and performance optimization.