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There could be a few reasons why the UI progress bar is not being updated when called within an Async method:

  1. The UI thread is blocked: When an asynchronous method is executed, it runs in a separate thread. However, if the UI thread is blocked, then the updates made by the Async method will not be reflected on the UI. You can try using Task.Run or Dispatcher.Invoke to ensure that the UI thread is not blocked.

  2. The progress value is not being updated: If the progress bar is not being updated, it could be because the progress value is being incorrectly calculated. Ensure that the progress value is being incremented properly.

  3. The progress bar is not bound to the correct property: When using data binding to update a progress bar, make sure that the progress bar is bound to the correct property.

  4. The UI element is not being updated on the correct thread: In some cases, updates to UI elements like progress bars must be performed on the UI thread. Ensure that the updates are being made on the correct thread by using Dispatcher.Invoke or Dispatcher.BeginInvoke.

By checking these possibilities, you should be able to diagnose and resolve the issue with the progress bar not being updated within an Async method.