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The process for saving order information in a MySql database table involves the following steps:

  1. Create a table: Firstly, you need to create a table in your database to hold the order information. You can use a MySQL client tool or PHPMyAdmin to create the table.

  2. Define the table columns: In the table, you should define the columns to contain important information about the order such as the customer id, product id, order date, quantity, price, and total price.

  3. Write SQL INSERT query: Next, write an SQL INSERT query that inserts the order information into the table. You need to specify the values for each column in the query.

  4. Execute the query: Finally, execute the SQL INSERT query to save the order information in the MySQL database table. This will add a new row to the table for the order with all the relevant details.

  5. Repeat for each order: You can repeat this process for each order that needs to be saved in the database. Make sure to include a unique identifier such as an order ID to ensure that each order is stored separately in the table.