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To preserve changes in a SQLite file, follow these steps:

  1. Begin a transaction: Begin a transaction by executing the SQL command "BEGIN TRANSACTION".

  2. Make changes: Make the necessary changes to the database using SQL commands, such as "INSERT", "UPDATE", or "DELETE".

  3. Commit the transaction: Once you have completed your changes, commit the transaction using the SQL command "COMMIT".

  4. Rollback the transaction (if necessary): If you decide that you want to undo your changes before committing the transaction, rollback the transaction using the SQL command "ROLLBACK".

  5. Close the connection: When you're finished working with the database, close the connection using the appropriate method for the programming language or application you're using.

It's important to note that SQLite files are often used in conjunction with applications that handle the transaction management automatically, so these steps may not be necessary in all cases.