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The process for installing RediSearch on either AWS ElastiCache or Amazon MemoryDB is as follows:

  1. Create or choose an existing ElastiCache or MemoryDB cluster.
  2. Connect to the cluster using a tool like Redis CLI, RedisInsight, or a programming language.
  3. Issue the command to install the RediSearch module, which can be done by either downloading the module from the RediSearch GitHub repository or by using a package manager like Redis Labs’ RedisPack.
  4. Once the module is installed, create a new RediSearch index or add RediSearch capabilities to an existing index.
  5. Use the RediSearch commands to query and manipulate the data in the index.

Note that the exact steps may vary depending on the specific setup and configuration of the ElastiCache or MemoryDB cluster. It is also recommended to consult the official documentation and support resources provided by AWS or Redis Labs for more detailed instructions.