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There could be several reasons why the model is not appearing on the screen of the Android AR application:

  1. Device Compatibility: The device may not be compatible with the AR application, or it may not have the necessary hardware to support AR functionalities.

  2. Software Issues: The AR application may have some software issues that are preventing the model from displaying correctly. You can try uninstalling and reinstalling the application to see if that fixes the issue.

  3. Tracking Issues: AR applications use advanced tracking technology to place the model in the real-world environment. If the tracking is not working correctly, the model may not appear on the screen. This could happen when there is low light, or when multiple objects are blocking the camera view.

  4. Incorrect Model Placement: The user may not have placed the model in the correct location on the screen. You can try moving the device around to see if you can find a better location for the model.

  5. Slow Internet Connection: If the application is downloading the model from the internet, a slow internet connection could be causing the issue. You can try connecting to a faster internet connection to see if that fixes the issue.