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There can be several reasons for a ClassNotFoundException error in the GAE endpoint class. Some common reasons are:

  1. Missing or incorrect dependencies: If the required dependencies are not included in the project or are not configured properly, it can lead to a ClassNotFoundException error.

  2. Incorrect package, class or method name: If the package, class, or method name is incorrect, it can lead to a ClassNotFoundException error.

  3. Corrupted jar file: If the jar file that contains the class is corrupted, it can lead to a ClassNotFoundException error.

  4. Incorrect deployment configuration: If the deployment configuration is incorrect, it can lead to a ClassNotFoundException error.

To fix this issue, you can try the following solutions:

  1. Check the dependencies and ensure that they are included in the project and are configured properly.

  2. Check the package, class, or method name and ensure that they are correct.

  3. Rebuild the jar file and redeploy it.

  4. Check the deployment configuration and ensure that it is correct.