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There are several ways to prevent script injections in an HTML form:

  1. Server-side validation: Use server-side validation to validate user input before it is processed. This will prevent malicious code from being executed on the server.

  2. Input sanitization: Use input sanitization techniques to remove any malicious code from user input. This can be done using regular expressions or specific libraries for programming languages.

  3. Use encoding: Encode user input using HTML entities to prevent any malicious code from being executed. For instance, '<' can be encoded as '<'.

  4. Use a Content Security Policy (CSP): A CSP can be used to limit the execution of scripts on a web page to only trusted sources. This can prevent any malicious code from being executed.

  5. Use HTTPS: Use HTTPS to encrypt user data and ensure that it is transmitted securely to the server. This will prevent any malicious users from intercepting user data and injecting malicious code.