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initial version
  1. Define the Key for the DataStore value you want to retrieve in your app.
  2. Create an instance of the DataStore.
  3. Use the DataStore instance to retrieve the value associated with the key.
  4. Use an if statement or switch case to compare the retrieved value with the desired criteria.
  5. Based on the comparison, load the appropriate fragment using FragmentManager and FragmentTransaction.

Here's an example code snippet:

val dataStore = applicationContext.createDataStore("myDataStore")

val myKey = preferencesKey<String>("myKey")

val myValue = { preferences ->
    preferences[myKey] ?: "default"

if (myValue == "fragment1") {
        .replace(, Fragment1())
} else if (myValue == "fragment2") {
        .replace(, Fragment2())
} else {
    // default value or other cases