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To produce a line chart that is overlaid with another chart, we can follow these steps:

  1. First, select the data that we want to plot on the line chart and the other chart.

  2. Next, create a new chart by selecting the chart type that we want to use, such as a column chart or a bar chart.

  3. Then, right-click on the chart and choose “Select Data” from the drop-down menu.

  4. In the “Select Data Source” dialog box, click on the “Add” button under the “Legend Entries (Series)” section.

  5. In the “Edit Series” dialog box, enter the name of the series and select the data range that we want to use for the new chart.

  6. Click “OK” to close the dialog box and return to the “Select Data Source” dialog box.

  7. Repeat steps 4-6 for each series that we want to add to the chart.

  8. Once all the series have been added, click “OK” to close the “Select Data Source” dialog box.

  9. Now we can see both charts on one chart area. We can adjust the series order and optimize the chart design by using the chart design and formatting tools.

  10. Finally, we can save the chart and use it in our desired project or presentation.