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To access SSM parameters across multiple AWS accounts, you can use either of the following methods:

  1. Sharing via Resource Access Manager (RAM): Resource Access Manager (RAM) is a service that enables resource sharing across AWS accounts. You can use RAM to share your SSM parameter Store resources with other AWS accounts.

To share SSM parameters using RAM, follow these steps:

i. Log in to the AWS Management Console and open the RAM console.

ii. Create a resource share for your SSM parameters.

iii. Invite the AWS account with which you want to share the SSM parameters.

iv. Once the invite is accepted, the AWS account can access your SSM parameters.

  1. Cross-Account IAM Roles: Another way to access SSM parameters across AWS accounts is to use cross-account IAM roles. You can create an IAM role in one account that grants access to SSM parameters in another account.

To use cross-account IAM roles, follow these steps:

i. Create an IAM role in the account that needs access to the SSM parameters.

ii. Attach a policy to the role that grants access to the required SSM parameters.

iii. Create a trust policy for your IAM role that allows the account with the SSM parameters to assume the role.

iv. Once the trust policy and permissions are in place, the IAM role can be used to access the SSM parameters in the other account.

Note: Make sure to apply the principle of least privilege when granting access to SSM parameters. Only grant access to the minimum number of AWS accounts and IAM roles that require access.