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There are a few steps to follow when verifying plan alterations while using Terraform in a pipeline:

  1. Create a new branch: Before making any plan alterations, create a new branch in your Git repository where you will make and test the changes.

  2. Make plan alterations: Make the necessary changes to your Terraform code in the branch.

  3. Test the new plan: Run "terraform plan" to generate a new plan.

  4. Compare the new plan to the previous plan: Compare the new plan to the previous plan generated for the same infrastructure. Review the changes in the plan and verify that they are expected.

  5. Run the pipeline: Once you have verified the new plan, run the pipeline on the new branch to deploy the changes.

  6. Verify the changes: Verify that the changes have been applied as expected and that the infrastructure is functioning correctly.

  7. Merge the branch: Once the changes have been verified and approved, merge the branch to the main branch.

These steps will help ensure that any plan alterations made to your infrastructure using Terraform are thoroughly tested and verified before they are deployed in a pipeline.